Expertise France in Iraq

Expertise France opened its first office in Iraq on 7 October 2019 with the help of the Crisis and Support Centre of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. The agency is based in Erbil and is implementing the project to support universities in Mosul and Nineveh. In Iraq, it will act as a platform to facilitate the coordination of the French response, by involving other institutions, operators and initiatives, with the reconstruction of the country as a priority.

The agency, which opened its office in Erbil on 7 October 2019, is working on three main themes in Iraq: youth, entrepreneurship and mental health.

Expertise France is implementing the project to support universities in Mosul, which is financed by the Crisis and Support Centre of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. The Mosul Student Contest has been launched under this project, in partnership with the universities of Mosul and Nineveh. It allows student project initiators to benefit from technical assistance and financing for initiatives aiming at revitalising student life and vocational integration.


For further reading: 22 projects selected to help Iraqi youth realise their potential

In addition, Expertise France is assisting Nineveh University in laying the ground for a university course in clinical psychology. It aims to help people overcome the trauma related to the violence they have endured throughout the conflict.


More about the Project to Support Universities in Mosul

Furthermore, the Yanhad (“recover” in Arabic) project will extend the range of tools to support young entrepreneurs via incubators in Mosul, Baghdad and Kurdistan. The idea is to support young people whose projects could have a leverage effect on the economy and society. Yanhad will also promote the sense of citizenship by supporting initiatives by civil society that also help young people or initiatives launched by young people.


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Expertise France in Iraq



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