In Central Asia, Expertise France is committed to an ambitious European project to support digital connectivity



From 17 to 19 March, on the occasion of the signing of the Equipe Europe «digital connectivity» initiative in the presence of Commissioner Jozef Síkela, the Director General of Expertise France visited Central Asia for the first time. In Tashkent (Uzbekistan), then in Astana (Kazakhstan) he was able to meet the partners of Expertise France and strengthen collaboration in these countries where the agency’s activity is growing. New perspectives for collaboration have already been mentioned.

The bilateral relationship with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan continues to strengthen as shown by the two recent state visits of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in November 2024 and more recently Uzbek on 11, 12 and 13 March in Paris. Two new joint declarations were signed during these visits, highlighting bilateral technical cooperation. Expertise France is fully in line with this dynamic, with a current contract volume of €23 million covering national and regional programmes, the agency expects to increase to around €30 million by the end of the year.


Expertise France has been active in Uzbekistan for almost five years, working in the energy and green economy sectors as part of projects financed by the French Development Agency (AFD) and culture through the deployment of an international technical expert. 

Through the launch of the new Equipe Europe Initiative to support digital connectivity in Central Asia, Expertise France is diversifying its activities and fully aligned with the Global Gateway strategy. This €20M programme covers the five countries of Central Asia and aims to expand satellite internet connectivity in the region and thus reduce the digital divide within the territory. The project is complemented by a second 'hard infrastructure' pillar piloted by the European Investment Bank, with the deployment of low-level satellites for connectivity.


Priority topic for the European Commission in the region, the Global Gateway strategy will be at the heart of Central Asia held on 3 and 4 April in Samarkand with the aim of intensifying European engagement through an ambitious offer of cooperation in the region.

With funding from AFD, national projects in the field of governance and health

In 2015, the AFD Group opened an office in Uzbekistan to support the country’s economic, social and environmental transformation. In 2020, Expertise France began its activities in the country with a first project on green economic governance.  The year 2023 was marked by a significant increase in the activity of Expertise France, with the start of two new projects aimed at improving good governance and promoting green energy with funding from AFD, and co-financing with the Asian Development Bank. In the presence of Mr Norkulov, Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance, the Director-General of Expertise France signed a partnership agreement, Strengthening the agency’s commitment to collaboration and knowledge exchange in energy policy and climate support.

In Kazakhstan, in November 2023, an intergovernmental agreement was signed to frame AFD’s activities in the country. The AFD Group is thus the first European bilateral actor to have signed such an agreement with the Kazakh government. AFD’s action is oriented towards supporting the fight against climate change and accompanying fair and inclusive transitions. Expertise France complements AFD loans in the health sector by supporting the reform process in this sector and accompanying the development of public health infrastructures.

In Astana, the Director-General met with Mr. Sultangaziev and Mr. Ospanov, both Deputy Ministers of Health. This was an opportunity to value the successful collaboration in health and more specifically telemedicine with the deployment of a successful regional program that will be rolled out nationally.



Expertise France supports the modernisation and diversification of sectors

The launch of the Europe team digital connectivity initiative during this mission opened up new opportunities for cooperation and created a link between the various sectors in which Expertise France is involved. Ways to develop the e-health sector were discussed. A visit to the Ghalam Centre enabled a fruitful exchange on satellite data management for agricultural innovation and planning, higher education and digital.



The issue of strengthening the trans-Caspian corridor was also discussed at length with our partners in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. The European Union is now planning to develop major programmes in the region, in line with its Global Gateway strategy. In support of the development of the trans-Caspian corridor, Expertise France will continue its commitment to regional connectivity and sustainable economic growth for Central Asia. This project will include the five Central Asian countries through which the corridor passes.  


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