Related Assets:
Transfer to the Guinean authorities of the teams from ERARE, the mechanism to combat epidemics
PRISMS project: a new biomedical waste incinerator in Ouagadougou
Launch of the revision process for the Public Health Code in Côte d’Ivoire
Régulation pharmaceutique en Côte d’Ivoire : pose de la première pierre de l’Agence régionale de la N-PSP à Bouaké
Support to the health sector in Chad: a positive 2017 assessment for the PASST2 project
New recommendations to improve the conditions of incarceration in Burkina Faso (in French)
Projet TWIN2H : la première journée des comités d’hygiène et de sécurité organisée à Conakry
Série « Ebola en Guinée » - RFI
Renforcement des capacités en santé : une délégation roumaine en visite au sein des hôpitaux de Paris
Health & Gender: An application to prevent cervical cancer
Mauritania: “Investing in midwifery training to reduce maternal and child mortality”
Drugs: “The issue of bulk purchases is highly strategic”
Strengthening the health system in Guinea: the European Union and its partners launch PASA2
Scaling up cervical cancer prevention in Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Guatemala and the Philippines
Vanuatu’s Bilingual University: an Asset for Development
PARSANTE project: Covid-19 prevention actions in central Mali
Addressing the COVID-19 crisis in Africa: Expertise France launches a Technical Assistance Platform
Hospital hygiene and healthcare safety in Burkina Faso: “Bases designed to be strengthened”