Expertise France in Tunisia
Expertise France’s action in Tunisia
The agency’s main country of operation
Tunisia is Expertise France’s main country of operation in terms of the number of projects, with some 20 projects currently under implementation. They are mainly financed by the European Union and Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and cover all the agency’s sectors of operation: democratic, economic and financial governance, human development, sustainable development and security.
Expertise France has a long-term commitment in Tunisia to meet the technical assistance requirements of its Tunisian partners and contribute to the stability and harmonious development of the country. The agency’s action is part of the substantial support to Tunisia from the donor community, especially France, since the democratic transition initiated in 2011.
A presence up to the challenges
Expertise France is deploying some 20 experts in Tunisia in several project teams which contribute to the implementation of the agency’s technical cooperation activity.
This presence makes it possible to provide a response in real time to the operational requirements in the field. Project offices and a representation office complete this mechanism.
From Tunisia, Expertise France also conducts technical cooperation activities with Libya, in the fields of economic development and health.
More about Expertise France in Libya
Some Expertise France projects in Tunisia
Innov'i – EU4Innovation project
With European Union financing, Innov’i aims to contribute to the economic, sustainable and inclusive development of Tunisia by strengthening, structuring and ensuring the sustainability of the ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship. The Innov’i has three components which aim to:
• Improve services for start-ups and entrepreneurs;
• Support the implementation of a regulatory and financing framework conducive to innovative entrepreneurship and start-ups;
• Develop the ecosystem nationally and internationally.
Consult the project sheet
ENLIEN - ENtrepreneurship and Social Link project in Tunisia
2018-2021 – EUR 5m (Agence Française de Développement – AFD)
The ENLIEN project aims to assist the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations of Tunisia (CDC-T) with its action to support entrepreneurship and five entities in the local entrepreneurial ecosystem. Expertise France is responsible for the technical assistance (EUR 1.1m) and is building the capacities of CDC-T, with the aim of improving the support to Tunisian entrepreneurs for the development of their activities and contributing to restructuring the network of public incubators.
Consult the project sheet
Support for the implementation of the Organic Law on the State Budget (LOB)
2016-2020 – EUR 3.4m (European Union)
Expertise France is assisting Tunisia with the implementation of its budget and accounting reforms. Following a twinning operation to support objective-based budgeting (OBB), which involved the Tunisian and French Ministries of Finance (2011-2015), this new European institutional twinning project aims to assist the Tunisian authorities with their process to improve the performance of public finance management as well as budget transparency and the Government’s accountability towards citizens. This project is part of the reform and modernisation of Tunisia’s public finances and aims to move from a logic of means to a logic of results, based on the establishment of objectives and performance indicators.
Twinning is a partnership instrument funded by the European Union. It provides for experience-sharing by the administrations of European Union Member States for their counterparts in countries in the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Balkans-Turkey regions. In Tunisia, a country where the expertise of French administrations has always been highly appreciated, Expertise France stands out for its experience in managing European institutional twinning projects. Since 2015, French administrations have been awarded a large number of twinning projects and entrusted their management to Expertise France. They are supporting the Tunisian administration in a wide range of sectors such as decent work, agriculture, statistics, culture and capacity building for the Assembly of the Representatives of the People (ARP). |
Heritage 3000 - Project to support the development of Tunisian cultural heritage
2019-2023 – EUR 16.5m (European Union)
The programme to support the diversification of tourism in Tunisia, Heritage 3000, or Tounes Wijhetouna, aims to support value chains in the fields of crafts and local products and develop Tunisia’s cultural heritage. This programme is funded by the European Union (EUR 45m) and comprises four complementary components implemented by GIZ, UNIDO and Expertise France.
As part of this programme, Expertise France is implementing the component for the development of cultural heritage which itself comprises several areas of operation:
1. Implementation of tools to help build the inventory and develop museum experiences;
2. Creation of an institutional mechanism dedicated to concessions for historical buildings;
3. Modernisation of Carthage National Museum and its surroundings.
Expertise France is working in close partnership with the French Ministry of Culture to develop public-private partnership mechanisms in the field of heritage management, with a focus on setting up institutional arrangements, regulatory frameworks and economic models in order to ensure the support provided is sustainable.
Consult the project sheet
ProGreS Migration
2017-2020 – EUR 2.5m (European Union)
The ProGrèS Migration programme is funded by the European Union Emergency Trust Fund and is working in three areas of the Tunisia-European Union partnership on migration: the governance of migration, the mobilisation of the diaspora and the socioeconomic reintegration of migrants.
Expertise France, in partnership with the French Office for Immigration and Integration (OFII), is responsible for component 3 of the program dedicated to the socioeconomic reintegration of migrants. Its main objective is to set up a national reintegration mechanism bringing together the main competent Tunisian authorities.
This component has been designed in close synergy with and based on the results of the Lemma Project to Support the Mobility Partnership, which reached completion in 2019. It is supporting the development of a real public policy for reintegration in Tunisia and aims to propose a sustainable and harmonised model for the Tunisian reintegration mechanism, harmonised with European mechanisms.
SUNREF Tunisie
2020-2023 – EUR 2.2m (AFD / European Union)
SUNREF is the green finance label of Agence Française de Développement (AFD). Following a first energy-environment credit line in Tunisia and building on its international experience, AFD is setting up a new SUNREF financing programme in Tunisia, in partnership with four local banks and two public agencies.
Under the SUNREF mechanism, a three-year technical assistance programme, funded by the European Union and implemented by Expertise France, is providing the expertise required by project initiators and banks to support the emergence of the market to finance sustainable energy projects in Tunisia.
Consult the project sheet
Find out about: Expertise France around the world