Expertise France remporte 5 nouveaux projets en matière de statistiques

During the second semester of 2015, Expertise France won five projects in statistics, a very competitive domain in international technical cooperation.

  • The Pan-African Statistics Programme, worth 6.9 million euros over three years, began in January 2016. The aim of the Programme is to improve the quality of statistics in several key sectors, establish an African Union Institute for Statistics, set up an assessment system aiming at measuring statistical progress on the African continent, and increase the use of tools shared by African national institutes of statistics;
  • Euro-Mediterranean statistical cooperation project MEDSTAT IV will be implemented from 2016 to 2018, and concerns nine countries: Algeria, Tunisia, Syria, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Egypt and Morocco. The main objectives of this 4.7 million euro project are data harmonisation and capacity building for the beneficiary countries;
  • Two contracts have been won with Eurostat: the project "Training Programme for South ENP countries – Phase II" and the project "European Standards for East ENP and Central Asian countries". These two contracts include organising vocational training courses and strategic meetings in 2016 and 2017;
  • Finally, Expertise France is to work in close collaboration with Insee within the framework of a project proposed by the Serbian National Institute. The objective is to upgrade the ICT system, to improve the system of national accounts and to develop indicators for sustainable development.

These projects are in line with the 2030 Agenda which places statistics, and more generally data revolution, at the centre of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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