Social protection and health financing
Each individual faces various financial or health risks throughout their life. Access to social coverage is essential in coping with them. It prevents individuals and families from falling into poverty, but also helps to avoid exacerbating inequalities in society.
Strengthening social inclusion and protecting individuals against socioeconomic risks
As the French public agency for international technical cooperation, Expertise France therefore helps a number of partner countries to develop effective social protection systems and create decent working conditions.
To do so, the agency provides recognised experience of the French social model, while mobilising its in-depth knowledge of successful experiences in other countries. Through its support, it contributes to building the capacities of institutional social actors that intervene throughout the life cycle of individuals.
These actors are thereby able to define and implement public policies that facilitate access for their populations to essential healthcare and basic income security.
Our areas of operation
Protecting individuals against social and professional risks
• Supporting the introduction of social protection floors
• Developing collective social security systems for social risks (old age, sickness, disability, family dependants, etc.)
• Promoting decent work, professional equality and non-discrimination policies, social dialogue
• Strengthening labour inspectorates and preventing accidents at work and occupational diseases
Promoting social inclusion policies
• Promoting social inclusion policies and social service delivery for vulnerable groups
• Fighting against poverty and introducing relevant targeting methods
• Promoting the social and professional integration of people with disabilities
• Facilitating the empowerment of vulnerable people
Crosscutting support
• Developing evaluation and monitoring tools for social policies
• Adapting information systems and organising the exchange of data
• Strengthening civil society actors in social action
• Supporting the decentralisation process for social policies
Expertise France promotes experience-sharing between peers and a transfer of know-how by disseminating good practices during technical assistance missions, study visits, workshops and training sessions.
The offer of service of the agency relies on its ability to mobilise an extensive network of experts from the main actors of the French health and social protection system: social protection organisations, ministries of public finances, social affairs, health and labour among others. It also relies on partners from the private sector and associations in Europe and in the countries of operation, whose technical skills and professional practices are recognised.
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Selection of projects
Helping to strengthen social protection in Jordan
2019-2022 – EUR 8M (European Union)
This ambitious project aims to create a more inclusive society by building the capacities of civil society actors and public partners to deliver quality social services that are accessible to all Jordanians. Working closely with the Ministry of Social Development, this project aims to contribute to the national “Vision 2025” strategy and the reform for the deinstitutionalisation of orphanages and State institutions for disabilities.
For further reading: Social protection in Jordan: A project to strengthen civil society actors
TELEMA – Economically integrating vulnerable people in Congo
2019-2022 – EUR 2M (Agence française de développement)
The TELEMA (“Stand Up!”) project is financed in the context of a second Debt Reduction-Development Contract (C2D). It aims to create a fully-fledged platform and structural mechanisms to allow the Ministry of Social Affairs and Humanitarian Action (MASAH) to implement the National Social Action Policy as a whole, and in particular its economic and productive integration policy for vulnerable populations.
Supporting the State Agency for Mandatory Health Insurance in Azerbaijan
2017-2019 – EUR 1,1M (European Union)
This European twinning project aims to assist the young State Agency for Mandatory Health Insurance, in cooperation with the French and Lithuanian health insurance organisations, with the development of a health insurance system in three pilot regions in Azerbaijan.
In the long term, it targets the nationwide reform of health system financing and aims to improve the quality of health services in the country.
For further reading: Azerbaijan: Mandatory health insurance extended nationwide
EUROsociAL+ Programme – “Gender Equality Policies” Component
2016-2021 – EUR 32M (European Union) including EUR 8M for Expertise France
EUROsociAL+ is the third phase of the EUROsociAL programme and follows on from this European programme which, since 2005, has been working to strengthen social cohesion in Latin America. It aims to fight against social inequalities and to contribute to establishing closer ties between the two regions.
EUROsociAL+ is based on three main areas: social policies, good governance and gender equality.
The “Gender Equality Policies” component has been introduced in this new phase of the programme and is implemented by Expertise France. It aims to strengthen gender equality policies in 18 Latin American countries. In 2018, over 50% of requests concerned issues of violence against women.
To find out more about the gender component of EUROsociAL+
See also:
- SOCIEUX +, technical assistance facility for social protection and employment systems in partner countries, 2016-2020;
- Project to support the social protection reform in China, 2014-2018;
- Twinning to foster the social and vocational integration of people with disabilities in Algeria, 2017-2019.