Stabilisation and Resilience

Expertise France implements stabilisation and recovery programmes in regions in situations of crisis and fragility or conflict-affected regions. The agency carries out complex operations alongside local authorities and civil society organisations in order to achieve tangible results in a short period of time and contribute to restoring people’s confidence in the State.

Today, almost a billion people around the world are living in fragile environments or conflict situations. These areas of instability are faced with many economic, social, political and security challenges, which are all major barriers to development and the advent of peaceful societies open to all.

Expertise France supports national and multilateral institutions and implements stabilisation and recovery programmes in these crisis and conflict areas. Through its action in the field, the French public agency for international technical cooperation is able to carry out complex operations alongside local authorities and civil society organisations. It aims to achieve tangible results in a short period of time and contribute to restoring people’s confidence in the State by providing the first dividends of peace.


Our thematic areas of operation

Governance and local development

 • Supporting the redeployment of State services in territories, including for its sovereign functions

 • Contributing to restoring access to basic services for people

 • Facilitating the opening up of post-crisis areas

Social cohesion and civil society

 • Supporting initiatives that aim to promote dialogue among the population

 • Promoting alternative modes of conflict resolution

 • Building the capacities of civil society stakeholders

Economic recovery

• Supporting operators with initiatives for the revival of the local economy

• Promoting the creation of income-generating economic activities

• Contributing to the dissemination of an entrepreneurial culture and the recovery of sectors and value chains


Our approach

Our action aims to lay the foundation for a return to democratic life, by launching a civil process for reconstruction and development over the long term. It is based on two main areas:

1. Restore security and the core functions of the State: support a State emerging from crisis to ensure it offers its population the minimum conditions for its functioning and viability.

2. Revive the local economy and strengthen civil society: more directly support populations and civil society, in response to their needs, to help them overcome the crisis and participate in the reconstruction process for their country.

Based on our experience in the field, we focus on multisectoral approaches and take simultaneous action on several determining factors of the crisis, by following a guiding principle to give greater coherence to our action.

Some examples of stabilisation projects

Project to open up regions in the Central African Republic

2018-2021 – EUR 6.8m (European Union / French State)

This project is part of Expertise France’s stabilisation strategy in the Central African Republic. It is contributing to the territorial opening up of Central African regions by rehabilitating transport infrastructure and installing equipment on roads,in particular steel bridges.

These actions aim to help redeploy State services at local level and improve movement in order to revitalise the local economic fabric and enable job creation.

Read the project sheet


Shabake – Building the capacities of Lebanese civil society organisations

2019-2022 – EUR 9m (Agence française de développement, AFD - Danish International Development Agency, Danida)

In the context of the Syrian crisis and the strategy to support refugee-hosting countries, the Shabake project aims to increase the resilience of Lebanese civil society, by strengthening its role in crisis prevention and management.

For this purpose, it is helping build the capacities of seven Lebanese NGOs and improve relations between stakeholders.

Read the project sheet


Livelihoods – Improving  the livelihoods of the Syrian population

2015-2019 – EUR 6m (British Department for International Development, DFID / Global Affairs Canada, GAC)

This project is jointly implemented by the German agency for international cooperation (GIZ) and is part of the early recovery strategy in Syria.

It has two main objectives:

• Address the needs of the Syrian population in terms of income-generating activities;
Build the capacities of Syrian non-governmental organisations.

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