Supporting economic and financial governance in Guinea: Signing of PACCAF

Following on from the projects to support the tax administration reform (PARAF) and to strengthen oversight bodies (RECOR II) in Guinea, in mid-August 2018, Expertise France and the European Union delegation signed a new contract to support the tax administration and financial governance.

The Project to Support Oversight Bodies and the Tax Administration (PACCAF), cofinanced by the European Union and Expertise France, started its activities in September 2018 for a duration of 36 months. Its overall objective is to improve the management of Guinea’s public finances and more specifically:

• Improve the mobilisation of public resources in order to finance the country’s development priorities;

• Improve the oversight and transparency of public finance management by strengthening oversight actors.

Two long-term experts, supported by short-term expertise, will be recruited for the implementation of this ambitious project.

A new project to continue our support

This new project aims to ensure the continuity of the efforts made in the context of two projects – the Project to Support the Tax Administration Reform (PARAF) and the Project to Strengthen Oversight Bodies (RECOR II) implemented by Expertise France since December 2014 and June 2015. It meets the new needs expressed by Guinea’s administration and has been developed working closely with the beneficiaries, in particular via the achievements and capitalisation concerning the two projects which have just reached completion. In addition to the assistance for the modernisation of the tax administration and the strengthening of the oversight bodies, the support planned for civil society aims to activate citizen oversight of the proper use of public funds and promote the emergence of an administrative culture of transparency and accountability.

The mobilisation of long-term and short-term expertise by the Public Finances Directorate General (DGFiP) of the French Ministry of Public Action and Accounts, and of the Courts of Auditors of France and Africa (in particular Senegal), will assist Guinea’s administration in its modernisation process.


Read also: RECOR II in Guinea: Training magistrates in French administrative language


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