Western Balkans: Supporting an inclusive and sustainable growth path



From 28 to 31 May 2024, Jérémie Pellet, Chief Executive Officer of Expertise France, made a visit to Albania, Montenegro and Serbia. The objective of this mission was to strengthen relations with partners and discuss prospects for developing projects based on convergence towards European Union standards.

Western Balkan countries are in the process of making major political and economic changes, all with a view to their European integration. Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia have initiated proceedings for EU membership, which requires structural reforms.

Expertise France, with AFD and European Union financing, is assisting these countries with this reform process, with an increased presence in Albania. The agency’s action in the region also supports an inclusive and low-carbon growth path.

Jérémie Pellet went to Albania, Serbia and Montenegro from 28 to 31 May 2024 in the context of this increased presence in the Balkans. The objective was to strengthen our relations with our partners and discuss prospects for new operations for the agency.

Projects in the fields of justice, human capital, and energy transition

In the field of justice, the European project EU4Justice in Albania launched in 2023 aims to improve the capacity of justice institutions, strengthen the career development system for judges, improve functional and organisational independence, and facilitate coordination and cooperation between these key institutions. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, EU4Justice is focusing on the effectiveness, integrity and professionalism of institutions guaranteeing the rule of law.

In 2023, the European Union launched the EU4FAST project, which aims to step up the fight against migrant smuggling and human trafficking in the Western Balkans. This project is implemented by a consortium led by GIZ. Expertise France, as a partner of CIVIPOL, will mobilise an international legal expert.

The agency is also developing activities in the field of environmental justice. In June 2024, an AFD-funded project will be launched covering Albania, Montenegro and North Macedonia. The objectives are to improve access to justice and participation in environmental matters, and raise awareness on rights.

In the field of human capital, Expertise France is implementing an AFD project to strengthen gender equality by improving access to employment and working conditions for women in Albania. The SOCIEUX+ regional facility is also providing European technical expertise to help Western Balkan countries develop and implement policies and strategies related to employment, work, and social protection. The objective is to strengthen local capacities and foster the socioeconomic development of these regions.

France is helping to strengthen Albania’s State Labour Inspectorate and gender equality in the workplace. Jérémie Pellet awarded 11 inspectors with their diplomas. A programme for convergence towards European Union standards financed by AFD and implemented by Expertise France.


In the field of energy transition, AFD Group is helping the Albanian Government to develop a market environment aligned with EU standards in the energy sector. It is mobilising experts to assist the main public energy institutions and enterprises with their restructuring processes. In 2023, a new project was also signed to assist the Republic of Albania and its Ministry of Tourism and Environment with issues related to protecting the environment and reducing the country’s carbon footprint.

Expertise France, a key operator for European convergence

It is essential to mobilise the implementing agencies of Member States to support European programmes in the Eastern neighbourhood and Western Balkans. Expertise France plays a key role by assisting administrations with the legal, economic, social, and environmental reforms announced in political declarations.

Expertise France already operates in European Union Member States, such as Greece, through its 10-year partnership with the Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) and its collaboration with the Directorate-General for Justice (DG JUST). The agency is currently stepping up its presence in countries in the Eastern neighbourhood and Western Balkans.

The agency is able to mobilise its network of partners and relevant public expertise to support two key sectors of European convergence: the rule of law and administrative reform, in particular in the justice sector, with ongoing European projects in Ukraine, Moldova, Albania, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Expertise France also has a network of international technical experts financed by France and deployed in strategic positions in partner administrations. These experts have close relations with European delegations, and some focus specifically on monitoring the European integration process in Western Balkan countries.

For further information, consult the brochure “Expertise France and The European Area”.

Team Europe: A strong network

Expertise France has held the Presidency of the Practitioners' Network (PN) since May 2023. This network plays a crucial role in structuring European cooperation agencies. It also helps scale up the impact of European technical cooperation.

The PN country visit to Albania, from 28 to 31 March 2024, aimed to gather European development partners for an exchange of good practices and lessons learned. This visit was also a valuable opportunity to strengthen relations between PN members, their local representations, the EU delegation, the Albanian authorities, as well as key partners and financial institutions.

This visit gave PN members the opportunity to link up the priorities discussed within the network’s various working groups with the activities and practices of the members, their local partners, and their teams in Albania. It also served to provide an enabling framework to discuss and present concrete examples of joint implementation. The objective is to develop strategies to strengthen cooperation through the Team Europe approach. More generally, it contributed to the development of an enhanced and coordinated range of Team Europe technical services in Albania and the Western Balkans.

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