Expertise France and youth

Youth is a flagship theme of the transformational agenda implemented by the French Government to set new bases for bilateral relations between France and the recipient countries of development assistance. Through the assistance provided to young people, Expertise France’s objective is to increase access to education and the capacity for entrepreneurship and innovation, and improve participation in economic life.

Expertise France helps partner countries manage vocational training policies and develop or overhaul vocational training, based on the needs of companies in high-potential sectors. It also assists young people towards employment and entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on the economic empowerment of women.

Entrepreneurship: innovation and technology as a vehicle for integration and transformation

Expertise France helps develop and structure entrepreneurial ecosystems. It thereby fosters the creation of companies that generate wealth and employment. For several years, Expertise France has been focusing on innovation to retain skilled young people considering leaving their country to achieve their ambitions. This is a considerable loss for future economies and the socioeconomic transformational effects that this youth could bring. It thereby allows young people to invest in the future of their country by:

  • financing incubation programmes,
  • fostering the emergence of innovation hubs,
  • creating vertical support structures in areas such as artificial intelligence, blockchains and the use of geospatial data.

Education and sport

Expertise France is helping several ministries in charge of primary and secondary education improve the quality of education provision and facilitate access to it for all. This includes assisting the management of the sector and strengthening teacher training.

Child health

Access to healthcare in early childhood is especially important, but remains far from adequate in a number of regions, in particular in developing countries. It is for this reason that Expertise France takes a great interest in the issue.

Some examples of project

TEMEYOUZ – Improving maternal and child health in Mauritania

2020-2024 / €7 M / Agence Française de Développement

The Temeyouz project aims to increase access to basic services for people, especially for maternal and child health, at national level and in fragile regions in the east of the country.

Consult the project sheet

RAQAM-E in Libya

2020-2022 / €1.1M / Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

The project aims to create a coding school in four municipalities in Libya (Benghazi, Misrata, Sebha, Tripoli), as well as a co-working space for “mumpreneurs”, young women entrepreneurs with children between the age of 0 and 3 years, in Janzour.

Expertise France is working in partnership with the Libyan Ministry of Local Governance to set up these new facilities, train trainers in the schools, and create bootcamps for youth training.


Consult the project sheet

In Morocco, supporting the development of regional youth employment policies (SABIL)

2020-2023 / €150 M / Agence Française de Développement, European Union

This project is supporting the development of regional policies for youth employment in three regions in Morocco (Rabat-Sale-Kenitra, Tangiers-Tetouan-Al Hoceima, Souss-Massa).

The objectives are to increase the employability and inclusion of young people, promote the creation of productive jobs by stimulating entrepreneurship, and develop regional public policies for promoting employment.

consult the project website

Enhancing basic education in Sudan (EQUIP 2)

2021-2024 / €9 M / European Union

The second phase of the Education Quality Improvement Programme in Sudan aims to continue to improve basic education quality and access in Sudan, with a focus on vulnerable groups.

Implemented in 18 regions in the country, EQUIP 2 will train 10,000 trainee teachers (pre-service training) and 4,500 teachers (in-service training).

Consult the project sheet

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