Expertise France and The European Area

The mobilisation of Member States’ implementing agencies is essential to support European programming in the Eastern neighbourhood and the Western Balkans, where the EU’s normative influence must be defended. Expertise France, as France’s interministerial technical cooperation agency, fits perfectly into this dynamic as it contributes to make political declarations a reality by supporting administrations in carrying out legal, economic, social and environmental reforms.

Expertise France is already significantly involved in promoting European standards with a relevant experience and a wide range of services to offer. Already active within the member states of the European Union, through its unique partnership with the DG Reform for over ten years in Greece, the operator is strengthening its presence in Eastern neighbouring countries and the Western Balkans.

Expertise France : A key player to support European convergence

Expertise France’s multi-sectorial experience is particularly recognised in the areas of the rule of law and administrative reform, two key sectors for European convergence, where the agency is able to mobilise its large network of partners and relevant public expertise, especially in the justice sector, with for ongoing EU projects in Ukraine, Moldova, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Expertise France is also active in high-stake technical sectors in Europe. For example, the agency provides technical assistance to reform sectors that are important regarding EU membership such as the energy sector and the social protection sector. Expertise France has also been implementing numerous European twinnings.

The agency has a network of international technical experts financed by France and deployed in strategic positions within partner administrations. These experts maintain close relations with the European delegations and six of them are specifically dedicated to monitoring the European integration process in each of the countries of the Western Balkans.

It should be noted that Expertise France has a profoundly European identity. Funded 50% by the EU, the agency is accredited for delegated management. Expertise France often works in consortium with other European agencies.

Moreover, as part of its presidency of the Practitioners’ Network (PN), Expertise France intends to promote the role of European technical agencies in implementing the EU’s international strategies, with a particular focus on the neighbourhood and the Western Balkans.

Expertise France’s work with DG Reform

Expertise France is implementing 8 DG Reform projects to accompany reforms within the European Union, through the Technical Support Instrument.

Most of those projects support administrative reforms in Greece in sectors such as HR reform, digitalization of public services, public health reform, in the continuity of a long standing partnership that was recently celebrated during the event marking the 10 years of European support to Greek administrative reforms.

Expertise France also implements multi countries projects to develop gender and green budgeting.

More than 15 projects have been implemented by the past. The partnership with DG reform is growing stronger as Expertise France is the only technical cooperation agency of an EU Member State to work with this Directorate General.

Expertise France also developed a partnership with DG JUST, in particular with its international team, regarding the exchange of best practices.

Expertise France : the justice and Rule of Law sector in neighbouring countries and western balkans

Strongly connected to the ministry of Justice and other French justice actors, Expertise France is able to mobilize high-level expertise in various subjects, such as independence of justice or fight against corruption. Expertise France is currently implementing four EU-funded projects in States applying for EU membership. It is also to be noted that Expertise France has developed a strong partnership with DG Just for projects within the EU or the neighbourhood & Western Balkans.

Une sélection de nos projets en cours

Pravo II in Ukraine

EU / 10M€ / 2020-2023

Support the independence of justice and its ability to fight corruption. In the context of the war, the project has been reorientated to also support documentation of potential war crimes.

ETAAJS in Moldavie

EU 1M€ (Expertise France : 288K€) / 2021-2023 

Enhance transparency, accountability of and access to the justice system. Expertise France is in charge of a component aiming at the support to the lawyers profession and the Bars. Expertise France is a junior partner, CPMA is leading.

EU4Justice in Albanie

EU 3,4M€ (Expertise France : 420K€) / 2023-2025

Improve the capacity of Independent Justice Institutions in Albania. Expertise France is a junior partner, AICS is leading.

EU4Justice in Bosnie-Herzégovine

EU 4,5M€ (Expertise France : 2,9M€) / 2022-2025

Supporting an independent justice sector to fight corruption and organized crimes, according to EU standards. Expertise France is lead partner, IRZ and FIIAPP are junior partners

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