Expertise France supports the promotion of human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity in Vietnam

Expertise France is in charge of managing the LGBTI Fund, an instrument aimed at supporting civil society initiatives for human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity. On the 24th of November last year, ICS, a Vietnamese NGO, with the support of the LGBTI fund, took part in the advocacy efforts initiated by civil society organisations and led the Vietnamese National Assembly in amending the civil code in order to give more rights to transgender people.

This improvement of the Vietnamese civil code highlights the official recognition of transgender people in Vietnam, and authorises gender modification on official Vietnamese identity documents.

The ICS NGO, supported by Expertise France via the international LGBTI fund, took part in civil society's advocacy efforts which focused on the rights of transgender people.

ICS benefits from funds allocated by Expertise France within the framework of the project "My Body – My Rights: Empowering Vietnamese transgenders to advocate for their human rights" since January 2015.

The international LGBTI Fund aims at supporting LGBTI NGOs on 3 different continents (Asia, America and Africa), and promoting dialogue between administrations and civil society. The project is conducted according to an innovative mixed model, gathering donors' as well as civil society's representatives. Since 2010, Expertise France manages this multi-donor fund (the donors being France, Netherlands, Norway, USA, and the Randstad Foundation), which also funds local civil society organisations working towards the promotion of the fundamental rights of people suffering from discrimination due to their sexual orientation, or their gender identity. Within the framework of this fund, other human rights associations in Georgia, Togo, or the Philippines also benefit from funding.

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