Africa4Climate has a budget of EUR 3 million financed by the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM) and Agence Française de Développement (AFD). It was implemented by Expertise France from 2012 to 2017 in four countries: Gabon, Kenya, Uganda, Benin. For 5 years, a dozen or so specific operations were conducted, aimed at strengthening the institutional, technical and human capacities of national, local and community authorities.
The project assisted these authorities in the definition and implementation of territorial, sectoral or cross-cutting development strategies, integrating the issues of climate change adaptation and mitigation, by providing them with technical tools to define inclusive public policies, as well as tools for decision-making and stakeholder participation. During the project, a number of concrete actions were also conducted, such as the installation of improved stoves in some fifteen public schools in Uganda, the creation of a new community protected area in Kenya, or the dissemination of practices for restoring degraded soil in Benin.
To find out more about the project, download our publication “Capacity Building and Climate Strategies: Feedback from Experiences” and discover our webdocumentary :