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H.E.A.L.T.H - Harnessing Effective Approaches on Leadership, coordination and Training
Improving health outcomes and the Ministry of Health capacity at national and sub-national levels.

Midwives in a health center ©Pablo Tosco


The project aims to improve the health system in Liberia by strengthening the Ministry of Health capacity at national and sub-national levels.
  • €3m
  • 01/01/2024
  • 36 months

Systemic challenges for the Liberian healthcare system

The Liberian healthcare system encounters various systemic challenges as a result of three major crises: the civil war, the Ebola Virus Disease Epidemic, and the recent Covid-19 Pandemic. Among these challenges, the healthcare sector faces issues such as insufficient infrastructure, a shortage of staff, advanced medical instruments, data process technology, sufficient financial and insurance resources, as well as limited oversight at various levels of the health system. These challenges have affected the quality of healthcare services provided to communities.

Building a resilient health system has become a top priority for the government, donors and implementing partners.

H.E.A.L.T.H.: a project to strengthen the health system in Liberia

In this context, Expertise France implements the three-year pilot project, H.E.A.L.T.H. to contribute to strengthening the health system in Liberia. Specifically, it aims to strengthen the Ministry of Health (MoH) coordination and oversight role at national level, the leadership, management, and governance skills at sub-national levels and improve the quality of training offered in midwives’ schools in three counties of Liberia (Montserrado, Nimba, Margibi).

The H.E.A.L.T.H. project focuses on non-clinical capacity building to help improve the effectiveness of MoH’s interventions as well as aid coordination. It will also contribute to improving the content and resources of midwifery pre-service training which will help address the shortage of qualified health human resources and make training facilities more resilient. 

As part of AFD’s HEALTH-BEHOL programme, this project complements the activities led by Action Against Hunger under the Better health outcomes for Liberians (BEHOL) project.

Capacity building at national and sub-national levels

Within the framework of the project, Expertise France will act at the national and sub-national levels to reach the following outcomes:

• Strengthen the leadership, management and governance skills in health administration of 25 health facility managers, six district managers, and three county health officers of Montserrado, Margibi, and Nimba counties
• Strengthen MoH national coordination and oversight role
• Improve the quality of training in five midwives’ schools (including the revision of the midwifery curriculum).