Expertise France et l’AFD signent un accord-cadre de coopération
Expertise France and the French Development Agency sign a cooperation framework agreement
This agreement, concluded for a 3-year period, aims at specifying the roles, defining possible cooperation initiatives, and reinforcing synergies between the two development cooperation actors.
Anne Paugam, CEO of AFD, said "beyond the coordination of both agencies, the cooperation agreement we signed today should contribute to build the capacities of our partners in our countries of intervention. This aspect is currently a necessary condition for sustainable development, an integral part of all development agencies’ mandate".
Sébastien Mosneron Dupin welcomed "this joint commitment in favour of a quality development cooperation, in support of sustainable development and French influence".
The Minister, from his part, welcomed this cooperation.
This agreement will allow for the expansion of operational collaborations currently underway or planned, especially in terms of intervention in crisis or post-crisis countries, and in other areas of common interest.
AFD and Expertise France already lead common actions, especially in terms of fight against climate change:
- To assist African and Small Islands developing States to prepare their contributions for COP21, a facility supporting the drafting of 26 countries in Africa and of the Pacific Regional Environment Program national contributions (INDCs), was funded by AFD and implemented by Expertise France from the beginning of 2015;
- Expertise France implements a regional support program which aims at integrating climate change in development strategies, funded by AFD and called Africa4Climate. This project is rolled out in 4 pilot countries: Gabon, Kenya, Uganda and Benin.
The framework-agreement, which is also part of the reform on the governance sector funding, will allow the pursuit and strengthening of this cooperation, in favour of sustainable development.