Videos to raise awareness of public finance issues in CAR

Central African Republic
Educational videos, awareness-raising… Through the TBSI project, the European Union and Expertise France have assisted the Central African Republic’s Ministry of Finance and Budget with the implementation of its communication strategy. The aim is to promote awareness and understanding of the recent reforms conducted in the field of public finances.

Implementing reforms is one thing. Making people aware of them is quite another. It is for this reason that the TBSI project has assisted the Ministry of Finance and Budget with its communication strategy towards both its partners and the general public.

The main concepts explained in videos

These educational videos aim to popularise the reforms implemented among the widest possible audience. Three videos have been made by the Communication Service of the Ministry of Finance and Budget, presenting the CEMAC guidelines, the Organic Law on the Finance Laws (LOLF) and the budget reform.

Two additional videos have been made with Expertise France’s support to present the public expenditure circuit and the finance law in CAR.


Raising the awareness of the other administrations

The project has also financed the organisation by the Ministry of two conferences for sectoral ministries and institutions of the Republic, presenting the budget revenue for 2019 and the overhauled financial control.

Furthermore, TBSI has contributed to organising a seminar on the public finance reform in CAR, with the intervention of three international experts representing the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC), the Gabonese Ministry of Budget and the French Ministry of Public Accounts.

Finally, TBSI has contributed to financing the Ministry’s journal, Sango Ti Mossoro, which has made it possible to increase its distribution to all the ministries and partners.

Financed by the European Union, TBSI has been implemented by Expertise France and will reach completion at the end of August 2019. This project, whose main objective was to assist the key actors in public finances in restoring the State’s cycle of sound financial management, has provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Finance and Budget to develop its IT capacities and implement budget and accounting reforms.


Find out more about the TBSI project


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