Support to the State Audit Office of Vietnam: a financial audit manual made available and 74 auditors trained
Risk-based audit techniques: a priority for audit institutions
The risk-based approach aims to focus audits on the main risks faced by auditees. This method makes it possible to address the main issues that include actual challenges in terms of the use of public funds, and to optimise the allocation of SAV resources. For Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) with limited resources, this technique enables maximising the efficiency of controls.
Strengthening the Audit Office in its public financial management audit role
One of the key outcomes of the project is to strengthen the capacity of the Audit Office (SAV) to conduct a quality and efficient financial audit, in accordance with its internal standards, based on the international standards of Supreme Audit Institutions. (ISSAIs) and using a risk-based approach.
A total of 74 SAV auditors were trained for 5 days on risk-based audit techniques. They will in turn contribute to the training of their colleagues during training sessions scheduled for the last quarter of 2019 and organised by Expertise France.
These trainings will allow the SAV to conduct audits more quickly and more efficiently and to have a greater coverage of the territory and entities under its control.