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Mainstreaming biodiversity into development in 16 pilot countries



BIODEV2030 is helping 16 pilot countries adopt and ensure the sustainability of sector-based commitments to halt the loss of biodiversity and its consequences over the next decade.
  • €10m
  • 03/12/2019
  • 36 months

BIODEV2030: integrating biodiversity in a crosscutting manner in all economic aeras

For several years, the number of species has been constantly declining and ecosystems are being continuously degraded. A million animal and plant species are today threatened with extinction. Yet ecosystems provide us with a number of vital goods and services: food, fibres, wood, carbon sequestration, water regulation, disaster risk reduction, etc. In addition to undermining livelihoods, food security, health and the quality of life around the world, this situation also leads to economic and financial risks.

There are an increasing number of actions to conserve natural resources and manage them more sustainably, but they remain insufficient to eliminate the direct and indirect causes of the degradation of nature. There is now an urgent need to reverse the loss of biodiversity and preserve ecosystems.

The BIODEV2030 project came about in this context, based on the fact that biodiversity is central to the challenges of sustainable development and that it must therefore be mainstreamed into each economic sector. This involves systematically taking it into account in political decisions and practices that are based on and have an impact on it, and taking their implications into account throughout the production and value chains.


BIODEV2030 objectives

The BIODEV2030 project is supporting a pilot group of 16 partner countries. Its main objectives are to:

1) Take biodiversity into account in strategic economic sectors in order to reduce and avoid pressure on nature over the next decade.

2) Promote the creation of national and regional coalitions to ensure the sustainability of sector-based commitments and promote their dissemination in other countries.

It will mobilise all the stakeholders in society for this purpose: State actors, civil society organisations, private sector, citizens, indigenous peoples and local communities.



Project implementation

The BIODEV2030 project is financed by Agence Française de Développement and will be implemented in three phases.


Phase 1: Dialogue platforms

Multi-stakeholders plateforms will be set up to organize consultation workshops gathering public, private and civil society stakeholders from partner countries.


Phase 2: The diagnostics

1) Based on the results of scientific studies and diagnostics presented to the stakeholders, discussions will take place to identify and share information on the main threats for biodiversity at the national scale. Further exchanges will make it possible to determine the priority sectors by assessing their impact on biodiversity as well as their importance for economic development.

2) Another in-depth diagnostic will be carried out to set up a mapping of stakeholders in the identified areas as well as of practices with the least impact on biodiversity. It will lead to the creation of the first scenarios of sectoral commitments.


Phase 3: Multi-stakeholder dialogue and negotiations

During the consultation workshops gathering the various stakeholders, voluntary sector-based commitments will be proposed and discussed with a view to the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15 – CBD).


Find out more on the project website:

Follow the project on social media: @biodev2030 BIODEV2030BIODEV2030

Le soutien et la valorisation des activités

Au niveau international, la phase 2 du projet s'efforcera de créer une communauté de pratique et de développer les capacités des acteurs sur le mainstreaming et la mobilisation de ressources pour des projets de biodiversité.

L’accent est mis sur le renforcement des capacités des assistants techniques dans les territoires, et des autorités publiques, ainsi que sur un travail de capitalisation au fil de l’eau.

Il s’agit par ailleurs de disséminer la méthode BIODEV2030 au sein des instances internationales à l’occasion d’évènements de haut niveaut (COP16 à Cali, Partenariat pour les Forêts du Bassin du Congo, Congrès mondial de la nature, etc.), afin d’inspirer d’autres pays et partager les enseignements acquis grâce à la capitalisation.


En savoir plus sur le site du projet :

Suivez le projet sur les réseaux sociaux : @biodev2030BIODEV2030BIODEV2030