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SODDA - Support project for monitoring Sustainable Development Objectives in Africa
Take the right measure of development



SODDA aims to enable the statistical community of French-speaking Africa to organise around Afristat in order to initiate an integrated reflection on the follow-up of the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • € 0,6m
  • 01/01/2017
  • 36 months

"Measuring progress on the SDG requires unprecedented numbers of statistical data"

In 2015, the United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to address the environmental, social and economic challenges facing all nations around the world.

Nevertheless, measuring progress on the SDG requires an unprecedented number of statistical data to feed the monitoring indicators: more than 230 have been selected - poverty rate, density of health professionals, pollution index of rivers ...

Problem: Data are sometimes missing because not all states have a statistical system that can produce them. Moreover, in the absence of a shared methodology, these data are not systematically collected and processed according to the same standards - which makes it impossible to compare the performance of different states.

Therefore, to meet this growing demand for harmonised and quality data, it is crucial to strengthen national statistical systems, with the support of regional organisations for better coordination. With this in mind, the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs finances SODDA, a project to support the monitoring of the SDGs in Africa.

A closer partnership between Expertise France, INSEE and AFRISTAT

Coordinated by Expertise France, this project aims to develop a reflection on indicators for monitoring the SDGs in French-speaking Africa, by associating in particular the African Regional Statistical Organisation (AFRISTAT), the statistical institutes of its Member States (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Comoros, Congo, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Chad, Togo , Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Guinea, Cape Verde, Burundi, Sao Tome & Principe, Djibouti, Madagascar) and the African Schools of Statistics : ENSAE (Dakar - Senegal), ENSEA (Abidjan - Cote d'Ivoire) and ISSEA (Yaoundé - Cameroon) and IFORD headquartered in Cameroon.

Through a regional working group, SODDA will help to identify relevant indicators for Africa and capitalise on the experiences of the most advanced countries in disseminating good practice across the continent.

Being at the heart of the priority issues of the beneficiaries

In addition to cross-cutting issues related to the monitoring of the SDGs, the project will support more specifically the following SDGs:

• SDG 2: Eliminate hunger, ensure food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

• SDG 8: Promote sustained, shared and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all;

• SDG 16: Promote the development of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, ensure access to justice for all, and establish effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

L'actualité du projet SODDA

Janvier 2018 : Un groupe de travail pour mieux mesurer les progrès faits en matière d’ODD en Afrique

 Décembre 2019 : Faim zéro : le bilan alimentaire, un outil riche en informations pour prévenir l’insécurité alimentaire


En savoir plus sur Expertise France et les statistiques publiques